Cosplay is welcome and encouraged at our events for all ages and we will be hosting a cosplay competition on the day.
Our cosplay competition will start at 4:50pm in the main hall.
Sign ups are on the day only up until 2:30pm- (please bring on a memory stick your song of choice between 30second-2 minutes longas a mp3, if you don't have a memory stick please email it to patrick.young@hants.gov.uk)
Best in show- This is marked on performance, skill and accuracy to the character
Best group- This is marked on the joint effort and skill of the group
Best young cosplayer- This is specfically for our little cosplayer from ages 1-13
We will not allow you in if you have any of the following:
• Metal blades whether sharp or blunt e.g. swords, axes, and knives.
• Actual guns, rifles, or artillery.
• Heavy bats, paddles or clubs including wooden or metal baseball bats.
• Bokken- a type of hard wooden (or toughened plastic) training sword.
• Explosives and incendiary devices.
• Functional strung bows or crossbows, sharp arrows or bolts.
• Heavy gas canisters.
• Protruding nails or other sharp items
• Any other items restricted or prohibited from being carried in public by UK law
If you purchase any of these items at the event the item must remain in its packaging during the event.
Your costume is your responsibility and we take no responsibility if it is damaged or stolen while at the event.
If you are unsure please contact us prior to the event :


Csillabu has been cosplaying from an early age and hasbeen attending conventions since 2011. Her first 90% hand made cosplay was her blood elf.
Imogen. Cosplayer and seamstress based in the UK.
Prizes will be confirmed a week before the event for each category